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Frontend overview

The application is built with SvelteKit framework with the main component using three.js library to create and render 3D graphics in a web browser using WebGL.

The image below shows the inheritance diagram for the main objects in the 3D scene/viewer, representing SiteVisor's model.

Scene objects inheritance diagram

Object3D and Mesh are three.js classes and provide a base for the SiteVisor objects.

SiteVisor introduces custom objects extending three.js classes. These are: Volume, Point3D and Plane, which all inherit from three.js Mesh class. These three objects should provide a solid basis to visualise SiteVisor's model to the user. All other objects in the scene will inherit from them.

Below is a short description of SiteVisor's objects in the 3D scene:

  • Level - represents a condignation of a building encompassing rooms.
  • Room - an individual room in a building.
  • Sensor - representation of a physical sensor on site.
  • PointOfInterest - any point of interest marked by the user. Can be an item for maintenance etc.
  • ReferencePlane - a base plane in the 3D model represented by a helper grid, used as a reference to place objects in the 3D space.
  • Heatmap - textured plane showing a heatmap produced by interpolating data from multiple sensors. For example, temperature across the building.